The Story of Betty’s Buns

I grew up in a small town near Elvis Country-- Memphis, Tennessee. Betty, my mom or "Miss Betty" as my Southern mannered friends respectfully referred to her, was an amazing homemaker who was forever cooking and baking for her family, friends and others in need.

Betty was well known for her baked goods, and most especially for her trademark cinnamon rolls!

My mom was a single mom and an amazing one at that! She was a hard worker, respectful, kind, generous and nurturing.

She instilled values in me and my two brothers and taught us the importance of God, honesty, integrity, benevolence, and the comfort and sweetness of "home life."

My mom was always baking goods or homemade meals and delivering them to those who were just out of the hospital, ill or just needed some extra love. To say that Betty is my hero and inspiration would be a gross understatement.

So to carry on my mom's tradition and to share this unique treat with folks like you I am proud to name these delicious cinnamon rolls "Betty's Buns."

This is for you, mom!

Contact us.

Contact us.

Carol Carey
(925) 766-0562
Brentwood, California, 94513